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What About That Linux Experiment?

Many of you read my previous posts about bookkeeping in Linux. I started out a really fun experiment to try to do my bookkeeping using the popular open source operating system. If you read those first 2 posts, you may be wondering what is happening with the test.

Well, to put it simply, work has gotten in the way. I suppose that starting an experiment at the beginning of tax season wasn’t my smartest decision. As such, I’ve been swamped with my offline work, and just haven’t had the time to continue my experiment.

The main stipulation was to try it out on my own files first, so that client work wasn’t risked during the experiment. There was no way I was going to try this out on a client’s QuickBooks database, and have something go wrong.

When I have more time on my hands, I fully intend to get back to the test. Although I have been frustrated by some of Ubuntu’s limitations, I still want to give it a fair chance to impress me. In the end, if Linux is going to get significant mainstream adoption, it has to be able to natively perform all the basic tasks anyone would do on their Windows or Mac based computers.

So, as soon as I can spare an hour or two, I’ll be booting back into Ubuntu, and giving it another shot. Stay tuned!

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