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Tax Season is Dead...Long Live Tax Season

Well, we’ve finally made it to May 1st. In Canada, yesterday was the deadline for filing your tax returns. For bookkeepers and accoutants in Canada, this is as close to the feeling of the 1st day of summer vacation that we get. No, I’m not taking today off, reading a book by the beach. Actually I will be putting in a regular day...catching up on all the non-tax return work I’ve had to set aside. However, given the fact that I was filling, filing, and otherwise preparing returns from 7:30am - 11:00pm yesterday, a regular day feels like a tropical getaway.

In the next few weeks, I am going to focus my posts on what to do if you didn’t get your return done on time, and how to better prepare for next year.

Today, however, is all about the bookkeepers, accountants, and tax preparers out there. I wanted to take this time to give you a collective pat on the back. I hope you all survived the big day, and a lucky few will actually take some time off to recover.

I’d also like to focus a few of the upcoming posts on how to better prepare for next year from our side of the coin. I know there were a few areas I could stand to improve. I’m going to talk about where I fell short, and some ideas I’ve got for being more efficient during the whole process.

If you had any struggles this year, I’d love to hear about them in the comments, or you can always contact me instead.

Congrats again, but don’t take too long to celebrate. It’s time to get back to work.

3 Reasons You Should Have Filed Your Taxes on Time

Are you ready for tax season?